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Guess what's new!!!

Even though we may be in lock down, lots of exciting things are happening here!

There will be activities galore - meditations, card making, readings, journaling, journal spilling and plenty more to keep you occupied.

Let your creative spirit out whilst in isolation - alone but together.

As a taster:

Autumn Archetype: Harvest

Blessed are you, Autumn, your harvesting time has come. As we gather your riches into our barns, reveal to us our own inner riches waiting to be harvested. — Joyce Rupp

Journaling Questions:

1. What is in my own personal harvest? What do I have an abundance of in my life? This can include things, experiences, and inner qualities.

2. How can I live within my own harvest at this time in my life?

3. What can I celebrate as well-tended, successful fruit in my life?

4. Looking back on this year, what goals have I met? What seeds did I plant early this year that have grown rich and full? Which seeds did I plant that have not sprouted yet?

5. What do I need to gather into my spiritual barn?

6. Ideas for SoulCollage® cards I could make:

You can make a card, paint an autumn scene, take an autumn picture (which you can use in card or paint), create a collage from leaves, berries etc. and take a picture of it

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